Accounting Differences between Not-for-Profit Organizations and For-Profit Businesses

Accounting Differences between Not-for-Profit Organizations and For-Profit Businesses

April 19, 2016 by

There are a number of factors related to for-profit and not-for-profit organization accounting that are virtually the same. For example, payroll taxes and reporting expenses and income are the same regardless of your charitable status.  However, there are also a number of significant differences. These accounting differences are related to the not-for-profit organization’s allocation of
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Bookkeeping Tips for Not-for-Profit Organizations

March 16, 2016 by

As a not-for-profit organization you have a mandate to achieve certain goals. The money that is available to your not-for-profit organization is essential for reaching the goals, and a quality bookkeeping system is essential to keep track of and manage that money. Since the funds are such an essential part of keeping your organization running, it
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Filing an Information Return Form for a Not-for-Profit Organization

March 4, 2016 by

Canada makes a specific distinction between charitable organizations and not-for-profit organizations, commonly known as NPOs.  NPOs encapsulate a variety of groups such as clubs, societies, and associations as well as agricultural organizations such as farmers markets. Once an organization has filed an NPO information return for a fiscal period, it must file an information return
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